Supplementary material for the paper:

A relative-motion method for parsing spatio-temporal behaviour of dyads using GPS relocation data

Authors: Ludovica Luisa Vissat, Jason K. Blackburn, Wayne M. Getz,,

All our material is stored in a Zenodo repository that can be found here. Note that the description and the names of the various files are provided in brackets on this webpage.

Numerus Model Builder (NMB) models

To generate the data used in Section 3, we defined and simulated the following NMB models, explained in detail in our SOF.

Visit to download the latest version of NMB.

NMB output (simulated data)

R code for the analysis - simulated data

We used the integrated development environment RStudio to perform all the analysis.

R Data frames (empirical data)

R code for the analysis - empirical data


1 Note that the dates are in the numeric format. Please use the following R code to transform them in a date format, if needed: as.POSIXct(datenumeric, origin=”1970-01-01”, tz = “UTC”)